NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 30th Annual General Meeting of Eterna Plc will be held [...]
Apr. 18th, 2023
Dec. 6th, 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 29th Annual General Meeting of Eterna Plc will be held [...]
May. 18th, 2022This is to inform Nigerian Exchange Limited and the investing public that the Board of Directors [...]
May. 5th, 2022We refer to Eterna Plc's ("the Company") public statement dated November 1st 2021 in which the [...]
May. 5th, 2022We are pleased to announce to all our stake holders and the general public that Preline [...]
Nov. 5th, 2021This is to inform the Nigerian Stock Exchange and the investing public that some of our [...]
Sep. 2nd, 2021We refer to Eterna Plc’s (“the Company”) public statement dated 21st December, 2020 in which we [...]
Sep. 2nd, 2021NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 28th Annual General Meeting of Eterna Plc will be held [...]
Jul. 26th, 2021This is to notify the Nigerian Stock Exchange and the general public of the impending retirement [...]
Jul. 27th, 2020NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 27th Annual General Meeting of Eterna Plc will be held [...]
Jul. 27th, 2020