
Our Brand

Our Corporate Identity

The unveiling of our logo marks yet another significant milestone in management’s ongoing drive towards re-engineering and repositioning Eterna to deliver exceptional value to our stakeholders. The change in logo is a manifestation of change across the Company, affecting our focus, drive and performance.

The three sails of our logo represent our planned integration in the oil sector – upstream, midstream and downstream

  • Sails were chosen as our symbol because sailing is about harnessing natural resources for movement and the adventure of crossing boarders. There is a sense of freedom and timelessness which comes with sailing and which reflects aspects of the Eterna spirit
  • The Border around the logo conveys stability that Eterna now has.  It is a company which has had experiences from which it has drawn, resulting in a stronger, better grounded company
  • The colours of the logo are yellow, orange and green, a vibrant combination deliberately chosen to demonstrate the energy and vision of the company as well as its concern for the environment
  • The name is written using a type face which is attractive, yet simple. The use of small ‘e’ for Eterna shows the youthful, innovative and informal company that it is

Our Colours

Green Colour

Orange Colour

Yellow Colour

Our Brand Identity


It means we stay lean, think fast and work smart.

Environmentally friendly

We believe it is our duty to care for our environment. We gain our raw materials from the environment so it is only right that we ensure we do as little damage to this source as possible for the sake of ourselves and future generations.


Being sincere, trustworthy and straightforward are the most important qualities Eterna has. Honesty sounds simple but it is priceless.


We are a late entrant into the market and only embarked on this venture because we think we can bring something new to the market, something that challenges the status quo and improves what is on offer.

High Performer

We toil hard and concentrate our energies on making improvements, getting better each time so we can truly achieve the highest performance.


We have that ever-changing quality which doesn’t allow us to be pinned down to any particular moment in time.