Education History
Date of Birth*
Upload copy of International Passport/ Birth Certificate (max 3mb)* [multifile* passportBirthCertificate limit:0.3mb filetypes:jpg|jpeg|png]
This is my most recent education
University Degree Acquired* —Please choose an option—Bachelor’s of Art B.ABachelor’s of science B.SCBachelor’s of Applied science B.AsBachelor’s of Technology B.TechBachelor’s of Engineering B.EngBachelor’s of Law LLBBachelors of Computer Application B.CaBachelor’s of Commerce B.Com
Other degrees —Please choose an option—Master degree(MSc)MBAOthers
[group group-Others]
Status In-viewCompleted
Class of degree —Please choose an option—First classSecond class Upper 2:1Second Class Lower 2:2
Upload All your Certificate [multifile* schoolCertificate limit:0.5mb filetypes:jpg|jpeg|png]
Have you completed NYSC YesNo
Attach copy of NYSC certificate [multifile* nyscCertificate limit:0.3mb filetypes:jpg|jpeg|png]
Did you receive a minimum of 5 credits in WAEC/GCE/IGCSE those of which include Math & English (O-LEVEL) YesNo
Attach a copy of your WAEC/GCE/IGCSE result [multifile* waecCertificate limit:0.3mb filetypes:jpg|jpeg|png]
Have you ever done our Eterna GT programme before? YesNo
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my employment being terminated.